Adoption Contract
This agreement is entered on this date by and between All Paws on Deck, Inc, ('All Paws on Deck') and the applicant ('Adopter') for the adoption of the rescue dog listed above.
Terms and Conditions
1. Health/Temperament/Illnesses
While All Paws on Deck has made every effort to provide accurate history and assessment of the dog, All Paws on Deck is not able to guarantee the dog's health, age, breed, medical status, behavior or disposition and makes no explicit or implicit guarantees in any of the above. This Dog is being adopted “as is” and the adopter assumes all responsibility for the treatment of any and all existing conditions or any physical or temperament changes that may occur. Adopter further understand that this animal was rescued and the history of their past is unknown. Adopter accepts this dog "as is" with all defects, either observable or unobservable, and assumes all risks for the dog upon signing of this contract.
1.1 Parasites
Your dog/puppy came from a shelter environment where worms and internal / external parasites are common. Worming protocols are started as part of the medical All Paws on Deck provides and often takes care of any parasites a puppy/dog may have, but due to the life cycle of different parasites it may take several more treatments to ensure all forms of parasites have been eliminated.
Adopter understands that this dog/puppy may have been exposed to and/or incubating a virus or other illnesses (such as kennel cough or parvovirus), in the process of being rescued and sheltered. Adopter assumes all financial responsibility for any illness after the signing of this contract. Adopter understands that any illness that has been diagnosed and is being treated at the time of the adoption will be brought to his attention. Adopters will receive instructions and medication, if necessary, for treating the adopted new animal. As of the signing of this contract any illness, new or existing, becomes the adopter's full responsibility.
1.2 Parvovirus
Puppies are fragile and we recommend adopters purchase pet health insurance. If your puppy is diagnosed with Parvovirus within 4 days of adoption, the adopter can seek treatment at an emergency veterinary clinic of his choice at his expense, and if adopter purchased pet insurance, All Paws on Deck will cover your deductible and / or co-pay. Alternatively, the Adopter can return the puppy to All Paws on Deck. By doing so Adopter surrenders all legal rights to the puppy and their choice to treat / not to treat. If treatment is successful, the puppy will be returned to the adopter's care and the Adopter agrees to arrange a pickup within 24 hours. If treatment is unsuccessful or not possible, the Adopter will be refunded the adoption fee only. All medical fees after adoption will be solely the adopter's responsibility. Adopter understands that this puppy/dog has come from a shelter environment and may be exposed to or harboring an illness not detectable at this time; All dogs of 6 months of age or older, are tested for Heartworms before adoption. Test results are disclosed to adopters however, heartworms can take up to 6 months to grow to a detectable size. We encourage adopters to purchase Pet Insurance as All Paws on Deck does not cover the treatment for heartworms detected after adoption. I understand that All Paws on Deck cannot be held responsible for charges incurred at any veterinary establishment, costs of supplies, food, toys etc.
2. Not the Right Match
If, for any reason, this animal does not meet my expectations within the first 30 days of adoption, I can return the animal and all original paperwork to All Paws on Deck, but the Adoption fee is non-refundable. After 30 days, there is a $75 surrender fee. If your dog is over 6 months of age, he/she will only be accepted back if altered. I understand my adoption fee is NOT REFUNDABLE AT ANY TIME, FOR ANY REASON (Allergies, behavior, temperament of other pets, pet’s not getting along, cat issues… any reason). I understand that all required medical care is my responsibility during this period of time.
3. Vet Care
The above-named dog will be brought to a vet of adopters choosing and at adopters cost within 2 weeks of adoption or sooner if needed. Not doing so is considered a breach of contract.
4. Spay/Neuter
If at the time of adoption this dog/puppy is not spayed or neutered, the Adopter acknowledges this and agrees to have this procedure done by a licensed veterinarian no later than 6 months from the date of adoption. You can have the procedure done at any veterinary clinic of your choice and submit proof of surgery via email to donations@allpawsondeck.org, no later than seven (7) days of the completion of the surgery. All Paws on Deck will refund you the spay / neuter deposit you left at time of adoption (if you left one). If the procedure is done after 6 months from the date of adoption but before 1 year, Adopter will receive HALF of its deposit back. If the procedure is done a year or later, the deposit is forfeited and considered a donation. Any medical exceptions should be approved by All Paws on Deck via email (donations@allpawsondeck.org). If after 1 year of adoption, the adopted dog is not yet altered, Adopter will be obligated to return the Dog to All Paws on Deck and will have no further custody, right title or interest in or to the Dog. Furthermore, Adopter will not receive an adoption refund nor spay/neuter deposit back.
If adopting an adult "Mother" dog, not altered, over 60lbs, the adopter agrees to have the procedure done at the vet of their choice and All Paws on Deck will contribute $200 towards the cost of the procedure.
5. No Right to Transfer Ownership
This pet will not be transferred to any person by the adopter without All Paws on Deck’s consent. If at any time in the future you cannot continue to provide proper care for the Dog, you will not abandon, give or sell the Dog to another person, company, organization, medical research, pound or animal shelter without All Paws on Deck’s consent. You agree to do one or more of the following:
A. Obtain approval from All Paws on Deck to transfer the ownership of the Dog to a friend or relative. Rescue must approve the new adopter who will be required to sign an agreement similar to this one.
B. Agree to cover the costs to board the Dog for an agreed-upon time, allowing All Paws on Deck to actively seek a new home and then relinquish the Dog to Rescue when a home is found. Note: Boarding costs are $20 per day.
C. The adopter will hold the Dog at the adopter's expense until All Paws on Deck can make proper foster care or adoption arrangements. At the time of surrender the dog must be medically up to date and a surrender fee of $75.00 will be incurred.
*At our discretion, we reserve the right to decline the return of a dog that has developed or exhibits aggressive or other non-rehomable behaviors while in the custody of the adopter. All dogs over 6 months of age must be spayed / neutered if Adopter is asking to re-home, transfer or return the dog. We will not allow unaltered dogs to be transferred, re-homed or returned.
Do not attempt to abandon / surrender your dog to a shelter. Your dog's microchip is traced back to All Paws on Deck. If an adopted dog is found at an Animal Control Facility, Adopter will be prosecuted for animal abandonment and subject to a one thousand dollars fee. If an adopted dog is transferred to another person without written All Paws on Deck consent, Adopter will be held liable for breach of contract and fined for one thousand dollars.
6. Training and Care
All Paws on Deck strongly suggests that the adopter enroll the adopted dog in obedience classes. The adopter accepts full responsibility for maintaining a reasonable level of care for the adopted dog as a family companion including food, water, grooming, adequate sanitation, exercise, attention, safety, and shelter. The dog will be treated with affection and kindness and never subjected to abuse, animal research, fighting or used as a guard dog for any agency, corporation or organization. Adopter agrees not to violate any laws or ordinances with the dog.
7. Refund
Adopter agrees to pay All Paws on Deck an adoption fee for the above-named dog. The adoption fee is non-refundable, for any reason, regardless of how long Adopter had the dog for and there will be no refund or reimbursement for any expenses incurred by the adopter, including, but not limited to, grooming, training, supplies or veterinarian fees for the adopted dog. Spay and Neuter deposits will only be refunded if dog being returned was spayed / neutered, regardless of how long the Adopter had the dog.
8. Indemnification and Hold Harmless
The undersigned adopter does hereby agree to release, indemnify, and covenant to hold harmless All Paws on Deck, volunteers, members, contractors, employees, and its officers from any claims, damages, injuries, costs or actions incurred as a result of this adoption or caused by the actions of the dog transferred herein. It is my intention by this instrument to exempt and relieve All Paws on Deck from ALL liability for personal injury, property damage or wrongful death caused by negligence or otherwise. FORUM SELECTION CLAUSE: Judicial enforcement of this Agreement or any parts thereof by either of the parties hereto shall be had exclusively in the courts of the Connecticut having jurisdiction over either party to this Agreement or over the subject matter of this Agreement. Choice of Law: This contract shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of Connecticut. All Paws on Deck meets or exceeds all requirements for the State of Connecticut and compliance with laws of the State where the dog will reside is the responsibility of the adopter.
You are officially a Dog Parent!